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Nick's Keynotes

For Youth, Educators, Caregivers, and College Students

A dynamic, up-and-coming motivational speaker on resilience, personal growth, and mental health!


With Humor and Sincerity


Nick has found a way to weave his diverse life experiences into a cohesive story.  With humor, refreshing authenticity, and captivating sincerity, Nick leaves his audience intrigued and inspired.  


Overcoming Childhood Trauma

Faced with the harsh reality of a mother suffering from AIDS and addiction, Nick had to learn how to navigate violent explosions as a kid to destructive behavior patterns as a young adult.  Loving guardians, encouraging teachers and coaches, a walk across America, and the will to keep moving forward are elements that make Nick's keynotes a dynamic example of resilience and perseverance.   

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Unprocessed Emotions â„¢

Resilience Through Emotional Awareness

The Walk!

Getting There One Step at a Time

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*Keynotes can also be tailored to the theme of your event or assembly*

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